Monday, February 15, 2010

Fast-Track Day 2

Day 1 of the FAST TRACK is over. . . Pat talked to us for a couple of hours. Basically, his speech made lots of sense to me, an educator.
The Fast Track is mostly for people who want to be Instructors or Ambassadors . . . Pat wants people who want to make this world better for people and horses. He is looking for passionate, dedicated, people to carry on the message --now and after he leaves and goes to heaven --

Pat wants Tom Dorrance, Ray Hunt, and Ronny Willis's message to live on and on and on.

We all knew coming in that this was a "BOOT CAMP" He assured us that the Education/Vacation model was not what we would be doing.

Our day consists of Problem solving puzzles. . . When we get a problem in a horse, we get to strategize how to fix the problem. We also will have "stations" during the morning to go to. The purpose is to hone our skills in specific areas -- We will stay just a few minutes and have our coaches help us, then off to play with our horses. We will have more classroom time, simulations, and tests -- We will be GRADED.

We will be taught what level 4 looks like in all the Savvy's -- then will be helped where our own level is --

We had our first test today -- more will be to come. We had lots of information on that test that Farrah Green has been teaching us -- beats, foot falls, haunches in, out, precison riding, precision court, lead change ladder, Half pass vs leg yield, etc And and the list goes on.

Walter Zeitle will be here all week with the Master Students. We are hoping we get to watch some of the lessons.

Of course, Carol Symens Lowrey is here-- she looks great -- happy and radiant. I haven't seen Lizzy yet, but it's been raining -- a nice 60 degree rain.

Take the time it takes -- and it will take less time.

Until we meet again.

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